National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 3 - 4th August 2018
Message 4
The Teacher's Necessary Preparation for Shaping and Sharpening the Young!
Isa 41:15; Isa 49:2-3; Isa 50:4-5; Luke 6:39-40
Luk 6:39-40 He also…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 3 - 4th August 2018
Morning Devotion 2
Deut 6:6-9; Neh 8:1-6
Deu 6:7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 2 - 3rd August 2018
Message 3
The Peculiarity of Students
God and the Bible recognize the three broad segments of a child's life. The division is intentional…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 2 - 3rd August 2018
Discipleship Seminar
Psalm 144
Regardless of the cognitive training that a child receives, his heart must be the first target. So while we…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 2 - 3rd August 2018
Academic Seminar
Constructivist Theory of Learning
Constructivism tells us about learning and the learner. and not much about the teacher and teaching. It…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 2 - 3rd August 2018
Message 2
Shaping and Sharpening the Young for National Productivity - The teacher's indispensable role.
Psalm 144:11-15
All children are the heritage of the…
National Christian Teachers Summit, 2018.
Day 2 - 3rd August 2018
Morning Devotion
Psa 78:1-10
The solution to the decay we're experiencing in our society is in the hands of the teachers. There is…
One thing that goes up but never comes down is our age. The time we spend here on earth is a divine allocation for us to live out God's purpose…
We deeply apologize that we have been unable to refresh this new website since we launched it in the early days of December 2017. As you probably know, the Ministers…