‘Further more then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more,
For God has not called us into uncleanness but unto Holiness’ (1Thessalonians 4:1, 7). For without holiness no man shall see the Lord (Heb. 12: 14b).
The Scriptures quoted above clearly bring out God’s condition for his relationship with any man. God will not come into friendly relationship with any man who is not living right: a man who is still living in sin and is controlled by its motions is not fit to be God’s friend.
This demand for godly living is because the nature of God is holiness. In fact it is clear that without this condition NO MAN shall see the LORD.
This demand is such that the natural man will not be able to fulfil it. It takes the Spirit of God to help a man to meet this condition. But the believer in Christ Jesus must allow God to work on his life. It will require your being willing to allow God sit or brood over your life. Before the creation of the physical world we read in Genesis 1:2b “… and the Spirit of God brooding upon the face of the dark vapour…” (Living bible)
As it took God a brooding over the chaotic mass to produce the physical world, so it also takes a brooding over a new believer to produce a holy life.
In poultry, “brooding” is a process whereby the mother hen sits upon the eggs that she has laid. It takes about 20 – 22 days to get the eggs to hatch chicks. No chick can come out when this process is omitted. So no man can live or be like Jesus (in godliness) who has not yielded his life to “brooding” by the Holy Spirit.
To come to such terms, there is a price to pay. It demands time, self discipline and several other sacrifices. When under brooding, others may be free to do anything, but you may not do the things that they do. You may need to be isolated from the general way of life every other person deems fit. You might be like the colt Jesus rode to Jerusalem in Mk 11:2b
‘… and ye shall find a colt tied, where on never man sat; loose him
and bring him’
There were several other Colts in the town, moving up and down but the master did not demand them. He wanted that which had been tied. Until we come to this state where the word of God ties us down, so to speak, it will be difficult for him to pour His life, nature, and being into us. God does not pour into a life that has no time to sit down with His word.
Your life would start producing holiness as you permit God’s word to “sit” or “tie” you down, isolate you from others and deepen your fellowship with Him.
Firstly, you must respond to Jesus’ appeal that says, ‘Come unto me ALL who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest
‘Matt. 11:28.
Jesus is the only one ordained to bring down the load of sin, and grant peace and rest.
Secondly, you must hate whatever God hates no matter its advantage, and show ardent love for Jesus. As scripture says, ‘Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword, death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor power, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord‘. Rom. 8:35; 38-39. How strong is your love for Jesus as to pursue Holiness?
Thirdly, you must consciously give yourself to the Ministry of prayer and the word of God.
Many times fellowship with men even takes God’s place in our lives.
As long as Jehu enjoyed human fellowship much more than that with God, it was impossible to pour much into his life, until this attitude changed. – 2 Kings 9:1-6
What about the servant of Elisha, who was said to have ‘risen early and gone forth? 2 Kings. 6: 15. It looks as if the gentle man had no time for Quiet Time. “Rising early and going forth”;
Is that your life? It should not be so. Spend time with God, so that He can have time to “pour into” you and teach you holiness?
Fourthly, you must fellowship with the brethren. Some people prefer to hide or stay away from fellowship. Their reason is that they are searching the deep things of God. God encourages fellowship with the brethren. In Heb. 10:25 the bible says:
‘Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching.’
Fifthly, you must discipline your eyes. Many Christians like watching all manner of films. Some films are not good for the children of God who want to see God on the last day, and share in His holiness. All such films that do not edify do not produce holiness; rather, they adulterate one’s mind and, therefore, they should be avoided. They lead to uncleanness.
Do you say you love the Lord, but also spend your time watching these unedifying films? If you must see the Lord, then it demands that you stop to be unholy; as the kinds of films in question are enemies of holiness.
Sixthly, you must stop reading some kinds of books or novels. Some kinds of magazines that come your way, and even some of the national dailies do not edify. You love God, but you also love these other things. At the end of reading such writings, your mind begins to ponder over them and you are lured into many bad habits.
Seventhly, you must stop listening to some music. Listening to music indiscriminately may defile you. You may not have any worldly music cassettes, but when they are being played over the radio, you love to listen to them. Such music affects your level of personal holiness.
Eighthly, avoid ungodly chattering. Many times a child of God may have unbelieving co-tenants, or even believers, who may get him involved in ungodly chattering. This may lead to ‘talkativeness’ or loose talking.
Think about your life. Are there any unknown moments when you get involved consciously into ungodly chatter? God is calling for a change of attitude.
Many times, you may just be in the midst of such people, you may not actively be involved in the talking; but you may be enjoying it. As they are talking you may from time to time during the discussion laugh in support.
Dear Reader, is this attitude your life? Repent, and return to personal holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.