This offer is first of all for those who have at one time or the other served as one form of Registrar or the other in the Registration Hall of Bethany Resort, Gboko. But if you still desire to, as a first timer, you must be recommended by one of our Regional, Zonal or Field Leaders. Please contact them.
We have observed a surge of people wanting to arrive on the day a meeting starts and quickly join the Registration team. Without going through our pieces of training or becoming aware of updates to the procedure, they quickly become a source of all kinds of errors in the process.
Secondly, it is becoming a need for us to develop a bank of committed registrars who can be available to help us serve in the Registration hall even for meetings that do not concern them like Clergy Retreat etc. If we have enough, we can easily arrange to suit each person’s convenience.
For this kind of reasons, anyone who is NOT DULY ACCREDITED ONLINE, prior to any meeting and DOES NOT ARRIVE within the stipulated period, will NOT be allowed into the Registration Hall or its premises for any reason.
Procedure to becoming a Registrar
To serve, therefore, as any kind of registrar inside the Registration Hall during any of the National Peace House meetings, YOU MUST . . .
1. Register Online: Register online as soon as the Registration portal is opened.
2. Fill the e-form: REQUEST TO SERVE AS REGISTRAR. Ensure that you supply all the required information and meet all the required criteria.
3. Wait for confimation from us: Subsequently receive an invitation either by mail and/or SMS from us inviting you to serve in one capacity or the other.
4. Complete Process: Complete Accreditation process online, UPLOAD a clear PASSPORT photograph of yourself ON A WHITE BACKGROUND and PRINT your ACCESS PASS without which you will NOT be allowed in the Registration HALL.
5. Report Early: Report on the camp within the stipulated date and time before each meeting.
Procedure for MLR 2017
The Registration portal is already open and Registrar Accreditation is already on.
LOOK FOR AN AMBER COLOURED BUTTON under the red button for “New Participants Only”.
Those who are not invited/accredited to serve within the Registration Hall can, however, help serve as Field Registrars but will still NOT be allowed in the Hall for any reasons.
They will be free to arrange their accommodation and feeding as a normal participant of the MLR.
Other Important Conditions
In addition to the procedure above, Accredited Registrars allowed into the Registration hall shall agree . . .
1. NOT to bring in a Laptop (personal or borrowed) into the Registration Hall for any reasons or to carry out any of the ICT Laptops or devices.
2. NOT to plug USB Cable to Charge Phone or any forms of Storage Device to Copy Content to or out of ICT Devices.
3. NOT to help friends or brethren to charge phones or any devices within the Registration Hall.
4. NOT be found listening to music or watching movies on any of the ICT devices or their own personal devices.
5. NOT to bring in friends or brethren or make appointments for anyone to see them in the Registration Hall. Any such critical activity shall only be possible across the perimeter wire fence for short periods.
6. NOT to sleep or rest within the Registration hall. Arrangements shall be made for sleep/rest outside the Registration hall.
Thank you and God bless you.
MLR Registration Team