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You Are Invited To MLR 2017


Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalms 50:5

We already know from the last MLR that God’s work is never done by the energy of the flesh. It is not by power, not by might but by His Spirit. Yet the Spirit is a fire that falls on lives that blaze revival upon the earth.

Whenever fire falls from heaven and it results in furthering the purpose of God on the earth, it is because there is a sacrifice upon the altar that provokes it. God is the worker of all His works. He is the one that sends genuine fire from above and every correct incense of ministry has to be kindled by it. Yet, God does not accept just any sacrifice. It cannot be of a dead animal. It must be living and healthy before it can be accepted.

In our day, the sacrifice God looks for is not of bulls, rams and birds; but the sacrifice of a life that has been redeemed from sin and the flesh; a life that is totally laid on the altar of sacrifice. Every revival fire requires such lives of men and women for it to burn and keep burning. The move of God stops and the fire on the altar dies out when there is no more sacrifice on the altar of burnt offering and nothing more for the fire to fly upon. To spread the fire of revival, therefore, there must continuously be lives laid on the altar as living sacrifices upon which the fire from above can keep burning.

Every revival fire requires such lives of men and women for it to burn and keep burning.

A revival is definitely upon us; and we have witnessed its quiet but intense spread across lands, nations, denominations and different gates of human endeavour. Just as the Lord told us, this revival move will engulf the whole earth to seek out a people for the Lord. It will multiply disciples who are sold out to establishing the kingdom of God and seeing His will being done here as it is in heaven. It will produce lives who are dead to sin and the flesh, dead to the world, dead to death itself and only alive for Christ to live His life in and through them.

The fire of this revival, though kindled from the sanctuary, cannot be contained within the church halls. It will burn all over the earth (unquenchable and unstoppable) consuming every work of the flesh, purifying and preparing the body of Christ for the soon coming King. Every generation, (particularly this our own) needs this fire to preserve it from decay and disintegration and Christ has longed for this fire to be kindled upon the face of the earth. (Luke 12:49-50).

Persuasive preaching cannot replace the fire that purifies the heart and sets it ablaze for God.

We shall wait at His feet, this year MLR, for the kindling of this fire upon our lives. We shall gather as His saints who have made a covenant with Him by sacrifice. We shall present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1). We shall become captives of His triumph at the cross, spreading the aroma of His knowledge everywhere both to those who are being saved and to those who are perishing. Men and women, burning but not burnt, kindled and kindling others, fervent and fiery, shall be released to bear this fire all over the earth. Lives absolutely laid on the altar for this move will be launched and propelled from this meeting. This is Christ’s passion being re-echoed in our hearts.

“The Secret Of Burning For God and Not Getting Burnt” and the issue of “Keeping The fire of Revival Ever Burning” and never going out in your life shall be the focus of our issue papers this year. This is the call we have heeded for calling the Ministers Leadership Retreat this year. If you are one of His saints who has made a covenant with Him by sacrifice and if you have ever sought for relevance in this day of His power, I urge you by the mercies of God to present yourself at His feet in this retreat. Pray, plan and prepare to come. Come with an open heart. Come expecting to be set ablaze with an unquenchable fire for the days ahead of you.

We are praying for you…

Your brother,

Gbile Akanni.

1 Comment


    God bless You. Thanks for the article

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