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God Is Moving Back!

I stared incredulously at my screen; as I watched for the umpteenth time, this clip-gone-viral. It was the openly gay cabinet appointee “man-wife”, introducing and acknowledging “his husband” at a presidential inauguration watched the world over. I felt like letting out my silent thoughts in a scream that will be heard in heaven “God, where are YOU?”. But a scripture suddenly forcefully floated in, in response. I had to agree that this, which my sexagenarian eyes are unfortunate to watch, is but the natural eventuality of a decision that humanity made several centuries ago!


“Lokachi ya zo!”

Twas fifteen years ago, almost exact to the date, when I heard this phrase in Hausa (language of one of Nigeria’s major tribes) for the first time. We had gone on an outreach to the Maguzawaland of Kano.  An Elder in the land, who obviously had seen many generations, stood up to talk to the gathering of Pastors and leaders of the Body of Christ in Maguzawaland. He went down memory lane, reeling out prophetic utterances, divine encounters and peculiar visitations, where God had made promises to visit their land in years to come. And almost at regular rhetoric intervals, he interjected his story with the phrase “Lokachi ya zo!”, to which the interpreter bellowed “The time has come!”  He was almost in tears seeing how too…

Most Recent Post

God Is Moving Back!

I stared incredulously at my screen; as I watched for the umpteenth time, this clip-gone-viral. It was the openly gay cabinet appointee “man-wife”, introducing and acknowledging “his husband” at a presidential inauguration watched the world over. I felt like letting out my silent thoughts in a scream that will be heard in heaven “God, where are YOU?”. But a scripture suddenly forcefully floated in, in response. I had to agree that this, which my sexagenarian eyes are unfortunate to watch, is but the natural eventuality of a decision that humanity made several centuries ago!